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OPEN MON-SAT 10am-5pm (Closed February 17th - Family Day)
Arches Oil Paper - Alternative Surface!

Arches Oil Paper - Alternative Surface!

There's something special about Arches Oil Paper that I absolutely love!  It is my ultimate go to painting surface for several reasons.

  • Ready to use with no preparation required.
  • Grabs the paint off the brush with a rich velvety pull.
  • Dries quickly so you can get back into your layers with less waiting.
  • Dries with a beautiful matte texture that allows for me to easily scan and reproduce my work digitally.
  • Allows me to frame my work behind glass with a wide gallery style matting.

And my final reason is not so much about the working quality of the paper but the approach-ability of the surface, breaking down the mental barrier of something too precious or important to use.  I can just get at it and treat it as a piece of paper!

Once taped to a piece of foam core with blue painters tape I often paint the surface first with a solid colour.

Primed with red and a sketch

Then a quick dark value sketch.Dark value sketch

Some indication of colours and shape values.

Last is to find the negative spaces leaving some of the original solid tone throughout the image.

Check out Arches Oil Paper on the website!

Arches Oil Paper is a high quality paper, with a surface designed for use in oil painting. Unlike other papers, it requires no preliminary preparation. This 140 lb. paper features a powerful and efficient oil barrier that absorbs water, solvents and binders evenly while allowing the paint and pigment to remain on the surface.

This revolutionary surface is essential for any professional oil painter looking to capture their oil painting on paper all while saving time. Professional Oil painters as well as Oil painting students will love the convenience and ease of use that this art paper offers. Each "ready to use" sheet of paper is less brittle and stiff with more resistance to chipping or cracking. This natural Arches paper may be easily cut to any size, rolled and transported.

Arches Oil Paper features 4 deckle edges and a watermark. 100% Cotton.


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